Kevin Long | Web Developer


Full Stack Web Developer currently enrolled in the full stack web development program at the University of Texas and set to graduate in July of 2022. Upon completion of the program I will be seeking full time employment in web development. I have a bachelor of arts in theater and pursued a career in puppetry for several years. At first glance coding may seem quite different from puppetry, however both are highly collaborative creative processes that revolve around creative problem solving in an effort to reach a common goal. Both endeavors require a focused group of people working together to build something. The tools and building materials just happen to be different. I thrive on creative problem solving and collaboration. I am excited for my coding journey. I see coding not only as a path to gainful and meaningful employment but also as a way to further my creative pursuits and contribute to both the local and global community.


Who Do?

screeenshot of app

"Who Do?" is a social media type application designed for residents of Austin, TX to discover and create events for themselves and others to attend throughout the Austin area. Users can sign up to make an account and log into the site where they can create events, browse events, and RSVP to events. "Who Do?" is a full stack application developed with HTML, CSS (with Bootstrap), JavaScript, Node.js, Bcrypt, Connect-Session-Sequelize, Dotenv, Express.js, Handlebars.js, Express-Session, MySQL2, Sequelize, and Typescript. This was a group project for which I contributed primarily to the back end with additional contributions to the front end functionality, views, and styles.

Link to GitHub Repository
Link to Deployed Application

Movies R Us

screeenshot of app

"Movies R Us" allows users to browse trending available titles by genre across all of the major streaming services so they can select an available title to watch from any of the streaming services without having to toggle back and forth among the various multiple streaming service apps. After selecting a title to watch users can link directly from Movies 'R Us to the title for viewing on the app of the streaming service which carries the selected title. "Movies R Us" uses JavaScript, HTML, and CSS (with Bulma). This was a group project for which I contributed the vast majority of the JavaScript in addition to contributions to the HTML and CSS.

Link to GitHub Repository
Link to Deployed Application

ReadME Generator

screeenshot of app

The README Generator quickly and easily creates a profesionalcomprehensive README file based on user input prompted from the command line, for use in your GitHub repository with any coding project.

Link to GitHub Repository
Link to Walkthrough Video

Team Profile Generator

screeenshot of app

The Team Profile Generator allows a manager to quickly and easily create a Team Profile through the command line that contains information about each team member specific to their roleon the team. The application uses node.js and features object oriented programming.

Link to GitHub Repository
Link to Walkthrough Video

Daily Calendar

screeenshot of app

Simple daily scheduling app allows users to save events for each hour of the business day. The app uses HTML, CSS and Javascript. Moment JS is used to keep the current day time updated. Jquery is used to simplify javascript for creating and saving events.

Link to GitHub Repository
Link to Deployed Application

Note Taker

screeenshot of app

Note Taker is an Express.js note taking app that allows the user to quickly write and save notes so they can keep track of tasks and other important information. Notes can be deleted when they are no longer needed.

Link to GitHub Repository
Link to Deployed Application